Curriculum Intention, Implementation and Impact


At Leigh Central, we firmly believe that all children have unique gifts and talents, and as such, deserve the right to succeed and reach their full potential in all aspects of school life – academic, physical, personal and social, spiritual and moral.  

Our school ethos is firmly rooted in all our core values, with ambitious standards enshrined in all that we do, thereby empowering our pupils to become informed, compassionate global citizens. We recognise there are areas where we need to help our children to grow:  

  • to increase their resilience and their ability to cope with and learn from making   
  • to see challenge as a learning tool in continual  
  • to persevere and to recognise that achievement requires effort and determination.  

We also recognise our children need time to read - both for enjoyment and to gain knowledge. It is through reading that we aim to increase their vocabulary, as well as through targeted activities within our class teaching. By choosing engaging texts and activities we also aim to improve our children’s love of writing, from which they can incorporate their newly acquired vocabulary. 


Curriculum intent


There is a clear and coherent rationale for our curriculum design. Curriculum aims are shared across the school and understood by all. Curriculum leaders have all played an active role in our curriculum design and subsequently have a clear understanding of essential concepts, such as knowledge progression and the sequencing of key concepts and ideas across all year groups. 

The curriculum at Leigh Central is both broad and balanced and is reflective of the achievements and needs of the local community. It is ambitious, as set out in the standards of the National Curriculum and meets the requirements of the centrally prescribed aims. 

Reading is prioritised, which in turn, strengthens the children’s ability to learn at a deeper level. Mathematical fluency and confidence in numeracy are regarded as pre-conditions of success and future progress within the curriculum. 

Our curriculum is designed to engage, inspire and challenge our pupils and consequently build children’s aspirations and prepare them for their future lives. By fostering curiosity, creativity and imagination and developing pupil self-worth and resilience, we aim to equip our children with the skills and strength to face the challenges of a rapidly changing world. 

Promotion of equality and the celebration of diversity is rooted within our core value of respect. Physical and emotional well-being are a priority within our curriculum design allowing children clear opportunities to demonstrate spiritual, moral and cultural understanding. 


Curriculum implementation

Our curriculum is bespoke to our school and carefully balances the expectations of the National Curriculum and the need to enrich the cultural capital of our children. Our whole curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability, additional needs, to flourish and become the very best version of themselves they can be. Strategic planning of the curriculum ensures all elements of the National Curriculum are met and adapted to the needs of the children. Clear age-related expectations for each subject are mapped out across the entire year. Such expectations of knowledge and skills enable teachers to measure progress and personalise learning for every child. 

All subject leaders have clear roles and responsibilities and are given directed time to carry out their duties. CPD ensures subject leaders have the knowledge, expertise and practical skill to design and implement the curriculum. Subject leaders regularly monitor their subject and support the expertise of their colleagues. Subject leads ensure implementation is equitable for all groups and abilities and meet pupil need.  

Curriculum mapping ensures sufficient coverage, and to a sufficient depth, over time alongside a clear model of progression for each subject. There is a clear model of progression for each subject. Effective implementation of the curriculum ensures there is no mismatch between the planned and delivered curriculum. Resources selected and deployed serve our school’s curricular intentions and enable effective curriculum implementation to meet pupil need. 


Curriculum impact

At Leigh Central, we adopt a triangulated system of monitoring throughout the year to gauge the full impact of our curriculum design. Subject leads monitor individual subjects: the creation of detailed and meaningful action plans, reviewing actions and pupil progress, evaluating pupil attitudes, sharing success and addressing areas of curriculum development. Reflection and the rigorous pursuit of excellence is enshrined in the development of our staff and children, so that together all subjects move forward.  

Learning is measured through the careful analysis of skills and the application of knowledge and understanding. Teachers evidence quality thinking and pupil understanding and make step in time judgements for each pupil. Subject leads then in turn continually monitor standards and report back to Governors and senior leaders within school, thereby establishing further targets and ensuring continual progression.  

The impact therefore is that the curriculum is implemented successfully. Pupils make progress in knowledge and understanding within curriculum subjects and that there is parity for all groups of pupils within school. In addition, children achieve well and leave Leigh Central well prepared for the next stage of their leaning journey.  


Further information about the National Curriculum in England - Primary Schools is available from the Government website. Click here to visit their page.  


To find out more about our school curriculum please click the subject headings below




Click here to view our Overview of British Values.


 Visit our class pages to find out what each year group is learning.