

This page contains information about travelling to school and road safety.  Please check out our School Travel Policy by clicking here.


We are really pleased to have been awarded our Bronze level Modeshift STARS accreditation.


WOW – the walk to school challenge is delivered by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, to help as many children as possible experience the benefits of walking to school.


We encourage all members of our school community to walk, cycle or travel by public transport for the journey to school as this:

  • keep us fit and healthy
  • help our pupils develop road safety skills which will keep them safe as they travel further afield and more independently
  • help keep our local air clean, and our streets free from congestion
  • are life skills that everyone should be able to benefit from

To support this we provide a range of initiatives including:

  • Cycle  and scooter parking
  • Public transport information
  • Bicycle Repair Workshops / Dr Bike  (In partnership with Leigh Neighbours) to ensure bicycles are safe and winter or summer ready.
  • Pedestrian training


We understand that sometimes there is no alternative to driving to school. Where a car must be used we ask parents to drive only part of the way, drop their child off away from the school so that some of the journey can be walked or scooted or park away from school and escort their child the rest of the way. Ideally a 5-10 minutes' walk.

If you do have to drive your child and stop in the near vicinity please do so legally, safely and with respect for our school community, neighbours and local residents.


Modeshift STARS is the national awards scheme recognising schools that have shown excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel.

The scheme encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of children and young people.

For those who live too far away to walk, other schemes are available including park and stride, where parents/teachers park a 5 or 10 minute walk away and walk the last section of the journey to reduce the number of cars around school.


WOW is an exciting behaviour-change initiative to encourage more children and their families to walk to school.


WOW – the walk to school challenge is delivered by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, to help as many children as possible experience the benefits of walking to school.


The pupil-led challenge enables children to self-report how they get to school every day. If they travel actively (walk/wheel, cycle, scoot or Park and Stride) at least once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge. It’s that simple!


Click here to see our parent introduction letter.


Click the image to visit the Living Streets WOW website.




We understand that not everyone is lucky enough to live within walking, cycling or scooting distance of school – so why not give ‘park and stride’ a go?

By parking five minutes away from the school gates and walking the rest of the distance, your family can still reap the benefits of an active commute while making school a safer place for all. You could even scoot from the boot – pack your child’s scooter into the boot and let them enjoy the fun of scooting the rest of the way to school. 


The Wigan Council Road Safety  Parent / Guardian booklet looks at the basics of road safety; sustainable travel; in-car safety; walking; cycling; public transport; crossing points and travelling to school independently. 

As a parent/guardian you have a responsibility for the safety of your children near the roads. It is down to you to ensure they are given the Road Safety advice that they need, however we are here to help. 

The best way you can teach your child is by setting a good example. Children watch your every move and take it all in. If you nip across the road on the red man, one day they may do the same when it’s not safe to do so.


Click the image to view our Road Safety booklet


The Transport for Great Manchester website has lots of useful information including:

  • Tickets and passes
  • Ways to travel - including cycling and walking
  • Travel Safe
  • Bus Timetables
  • Local travel advice - planned works and events that may alter routine


Click the image to visit their website

Igo card

If you’re aged 5 to 10 and live or go to school in Greater Manchester, you will need an igo card to buy some of the tickets available for the concessionary child bus fare in Greater Manchester. 


Click the Igo image for more information about costs and benefits; how to use the card and how to apply.

Traveline is partnership of transport companies, local authorities and passenger groups which have come together to help you plan a journey. They show you routes and times for all travel in Great Britain by bus, rail, coach and ferry, and provide it in as many different ways as they can so that you reach your destination in the way that best suits you. 


Click on the image to visit their website.




Trainlines guide to booking family train tickets will provide you with all the information you need to make your family train trip a breeze. From easy ways to save money on train tickets to offers and child fare information, they’ve got you covered. Discover top destinations, travel tips, money-saving ideas and much more.

Child train tickets offer fantastic discounts for kids aged between 5 and 15 travelling on the UK rail network.


Click on the image to visit their website.




This page contains information about travelling to school and road safety.  Please check out our School Travel Policy by clicking here.


We are really pleased to have been awarded our Bronze level Modeshift STARS accreditation.


WOW – the walk to school challenge is delivered by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, to help as many children as possible experience the benefits of walking to school.


We encourage all members of our school community to walk, cycle or travel by public transport for the journey to school as this:

  • keep us fit and healthy
  • help our pupils develop road safety skills which will keep them safe as they travel further afield and more independently
  • help keep our local air clean, and our streets free from congestion
  • are life skills that everyone should be able to benefit from

To support this we provide a range of initiatives including:

  • Cycle  and scooter parking
  • Public transport information
  • Bicycle Repair Workshops / Dr Bike  (In partnership with Leigh Neighbours) to ensure bicycles are safe and winter or summer ready.
  • Pedestrian training


We understand that sometimes there is no alternative to driving to school. Where a car must be used we ask parents to drive only part of the way, drop their child off away from the school so that some of the journey can be walked or scooted or park away from school and escort their child the rest of the way. Ideally a 5-10 minutes' walk.

If you do have to drive your child and stop in the near vicinity please do so legally, safely and with respect for our school community, neighbours and local residents.


Modeshift STARS is the national awards scheme recognising schools that have shown excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel.

The scheme encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of children and young people.

For those who live too far away to walk, other schemes are available including park and stride, where parents/teachers park a 5 or 10 minute walk away and walk the last section of the journey to reduce the number of cars around school.


WOW is an exciting behaviour-change initiative to encourage more children and their families to walk to school.


WOW – the walk to school challenge is delivered by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, to help as many children as possible experience the benefits of walking to school.


The pupil-led challenge enables children to self-report how they get to school every day. If they travel actively (walk/wheel, cycle, scoot or Park and Stride) at least once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge. It’s that simple!


Click here to see our parent introduction letter.


Click the image to visit the Living Streets WOW website.




We understand that not everyone is lucky enough to live within walking, cycling or scooting distance of school – so why not give ‘park and stride’ a go?

By parking five minutes away from the school gates and walking the rest of the distance, your family can still reap the benefits of an active commute while making school a safer place for all. You could even scoot from the boot – pack your child’s scooter into the boot and let them enjoy the fun of scooting the rest of the way to school. 


The Wigan Council Road Safety  Parent / Guardian booklet looks at the basics of road safety; sustainable travel; in-car safety; walking; cycling; public transport; crossing points and travelling to school independently. 

As a parent/guardian you have a responsibility for the safety of your children near the roads. It is down to you to ensure they are given the Road Safety advice that they need, however we are here to help. 

The best way you can teach your child is by setting a good example. Children watch your every move and take it all in. If you nip across the road on the red man, one day they may do the same when it’s not safe to do so.


Click the image to view our Road Safety booklet


The Transport for Great Manchester website has lots of useful information including:

  • Tickets and passes
  • Ways to travel - including cycling and walking
  • Travel Safe
  • Bus Timetables
  • Local travel advice - planned works and events that may alter routine


Click the image to visit their website

Igo card

If you’re aged 5 to 10 and live or go to school in Greater Manchester, you will need an igo card to buy some of the tickets available for the concessionary child bus fare in Greater Manchester. 


Click the Igo image for more information about costs and benefits; how to use the card and how to apply.

Traveline is partnership of transport companies, local authorities and passenger groups which have come together to help you plan a journey. They show you routes and times for all travel in Great Britain by bus, rail, coach and ferry, and provide it in as many different ways as they can so that you reach your destination in the way that best suits you. 


Click on the image to visit their website.




Trainlines guide to booking family train tickets will provide you with all the information you need to make your family train trip a breeze. From easy ways to save money on train tickets to offers and child fare information, they’ve got you covered. Discover top destinations, travel tips, money-saving ideas and much more.

Child train tickets offer fantastic discounts for kids aged between 5 and 15 travelling on the UK rail network.


Click on the image to visit their website.