Wigan Borough School Nursing Team

This service is for children and young people (5-19 years) who attend a Wigan school or live in Wigan and are educated at home.

 The team is made up of;

  • Community Public Health School Nurses (Qualified Nurse Specialists)
  • Registered Nurses (Qualified staff nurses)
  • Assistant Practitioners
  • Senior School Health Care Assistants and School Health Care Assistants
  • Support workers and admin support

School nurses are specialist practitioners that work across education and health to provide a link between school, home and the community. Your School Nurse Team can provide:

  • Health assessments
  • Home visits
  • General health advice
  • Support with concerns
  • Immunisations
  • Care plans in school
  • Health promotion
  • Safeguarding

They aim to work with other professionals and agencies in order for children and young people to stay healthy, achieve and attend school.

The team deliver the national immunisation programme across the school aged population along with hearing screening and the National Child Measuring Programme. 

As well as their core offer, they provide support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities by providing information, signposting and referring onto other appropriate professionals.

Further information about the services can be found on the Wrightinton, Wigan and Leigh website at the address below:

The School Nurse website can be found at https://www.wwl.nhs.uk/school-nursing





Teen Mental Health - A Guide for Parents

Your child’s teenage years are an exciting time, but they can be tricky too. With hormones going wild and bigger pressures at school, challenging mood swings are par for the course. With mental ill-health on the rise though, you’ll want to keep watch on whether their moods are normal, or if they need a bit of help.

MyTutor have provided a guide for parents to help identify issues, break-down of some key pain-points, and show what you can to do help as a parent.


Wigan Borough School Nursing Team

This service is for children and young people (5-19 years) who attend a Wigan school or live in Wigan and are educated at home.

 The team is made up of;

  • Community Public Health School Nurses (Qualified Nurse Specialists)
  • Registered Nurses (Qualified staff nurses)
  • Assistant Practitioners
  • Senior School Health Care Assistants and School Health Care Assistants
  • Support workers and admin support

School nurses are specialist practitioners that work across education and health to provide a link between school, home and the community. Your School Nurse Team can provide:

  • Health assessments
  • Home visits
  • General health advice
  • Support with concerns
  • Immunisations
  • Care plans in school
  • Health promotion
  • Safeguarding

They aim to work with other professionals and agencies in order for children and young people to stay healthy, achieve and attend school.

The team deliver the national immunisation programme across the school aged population along with hearing screening and the National Child Measuring Programme. 

As well as their core offer, they provide support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities by providing information, signposting and referring onto other appropriate professionals.

Further information about the services can be found on the Wrightinton, Wigan and Leigh website at the address below:

The School Nurse website can be found at https://www.wwl.nhs.uk/school-nursing





Teen Mental Health - A Guide for Parents

Your child’s teenage years are an exciting time, but they can be tricky too. With hormones going wild and bigger pressures at school, challenging mood swings are par for the course. With mental ill-health on the rise though, you’ll want to keep watch on whether their moods are normal, or if they need a bit of help.

MyTutor have provided a guide for parents to help identify issues, break-down of some key pain-points, and show what you can to do help as a parent.


Wigan Borough School Nursing Team

This service is for children and young people (5-19 years) who attend a Wigan school or live in Wigan and are educated at home.

 The team is made up of;

  • Community Public Health School Nurses (Qualified Nurse Specialists)
  • Registered Nurses (Qualified staff nurses)
  • Assistant Practitioners
  • Senior School Health Care Assistants and School Health Care Assistants
  • Support workers and admin support

School nurses are specialist practitioners that work across education and health to provide a link between school, home and the community. Your School Nurse Team can provide:

  • Health assessments
  • Home visits
  • General health advice
  • Support with concerns
  • Immunisations
  • Care plans in school
  • Health promotion
  • Safeguarding

They aim to work with other professionals and agencies in order for children and young people to stay healthy, achieve and attend school.

The team deliver the national immunisation programme across the school aged population along with hearing screening and the National Child Measuring Programme. 

As well as their core offer, they provide support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities by providing information, signposting and referring onto other appropriate professionals.

Further information about the services can be found on the Wrightinton, Wigan and Leigh website at the address below:

The School Nurse website can be found at https://www.wwl.nhs.uk/school-nursing





Teen Mental Health - A Guide for Parents

Your child’s teenage years are an exciting time, but they can be tricky too. With hormones going wild and bigger pressures at school, challenging mood swings are par for the course. With mental ill-health on the rise though, you’ll want to keep watch on whether their moods are normal, or if they need a bit of help.

MyTutor have provided a guide for parents to help identify issues, break-down of some key pain-points, and show what you can to do help as a parent.
