Hello and welcome to Year 2 Hedgehogs Class Page

Class Teacher - Mrs Davies



Outdoor Play - It is important that your child brings a suitable coat in to school each day so that this can be worn at play time.

PE lessons - will take place on Mondays. Please ensure that your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit on PE day. Our PE kit is plain black shorts and white t-shirt. Children can wear a tracksuit over these throughout the day. Trainers or black pumps are acceptable.

Water Bottle - Please encourage your son/daughter to bring a water bottle to school each day and some fruit for snack time in the afternoon. 

Reading booksTo follow our Covid 19 procedures books are now returned to school each Friday and new books are sent home the following Monday; this gives us time to quarantine them over the weekend. To help your child with their learning your child should be reading at home at least 3 times per week and their reading record signed by an adult, these are checked regularly in school.

Spellings - are given out every Friday and we have our spelling test the following Friday.   

Jewellery - Only stud earrings should be worn in school please. These should be removed on PE days. 


****Class Overview****

Click here to see our long term curriculum plan



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