Hello and welcome to Year 1 Badgers Class Page!

Class Teacher - Miss Hurst

In Year 1 we want every child to feel valued, secure and enjoy learning!


Outdoor Play - It is important that your child brings a suitable coat in to school each day so that this can be worn at play time. Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly labelled.

PE lessons - will take place on Tuesdays. Please ensure that your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit on PE day. Our PE kit is plain black shorts and white t-shirt. Children can wear a tracksuit over these throughout the day. Trainers or black pumps are acceptable.

Water Bottle - Please encourage your son/daughter to bring a water bottle to school each day and some fruit for snack time in the afternoon. 

Reading books - To follow our Covid 19 procedures books are now returned to school each Friday and new books are sent home the following Monday; this gives us time to quarantine them over the weekend. To help your child with their learning your child should be reading at home at least 3 times per week and their reading record signed by an adult, these are checked regularly in school.

Spellings - We send new spellings home each Friday and we have our spelling test the following Friday.   

Jewellery - Only stud earrings should be worn in school please. These should be removed on PE days. 


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